First Visit

Here is everything you need to know for your first visit.

No reservations are required to use the facilities.

We offer a unique experience with easy-to-use safety set-ups for anyone to walk in and start anytime we’re open!

Fill Online Waiver

Complete the waiver form below anytime prior to your visit, for those under 18 a waiver must be signed by a parent or court-appointed guardian.

New to climbing

What to prepare?

  • Equipment are available for rent, we’ll get you fitted with climbing shoes and a harness and ready to climb.
  • Bring a pair of sock if you intend to rent shoes
  • Trim your nails and tie up hair
  • Wear comfortable clothing

Need some guidance?

Book an Introductory Course. An instructor will introduce you to the different styles of climbing and guide through the basic techniques, styles, equipment, and safety.

The course is required to online booking and settle the payment at least 2 working days before the start of the course.

Already a climber

Do I need to get assessment if I want to climb at HKCP?

All climbers are welcomed to use the auto-belay system and bouldering walls. You are only required to assessment if you want to Top Rope belay or Lead Climb.

Training Courses for Climbers

We offer Climbing Training Course for beginners.

Want to get a verified certificate

Upon successful completion of the certificate course, participants will receive the certificate from China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union(CHKMCU).

For any enquiries or comments, welcome to contact us.

Online Enquiry Form

(Before sending your enquiries, you may like to refer to the FAQ)