The course is required to online booking and settle the payment at least 2 working days before the start of the course.
Course Outline:
Course Details:
- 攀登安全守則
- 多節線攀登的概念
- 攀登器材重溫及裝備介紹
- 繩結的運用
- 保護點類別及檢查
- 攀登口號
- 參考手冊(Guide Book)閱讀技巧
- 多節攀登流程
- 錨點設置(Anchor Setup)
- 錨點防護技巧(On Anchor Belay)
- 撤離系統(多節沿繩下降,下放撤離)
- 基本拯救系統(3:1滑輪系統)
Lesson: 5 Lessons (4 Hours Lectures, 16 Hours Indoor Practice Sessions and 8 Hours Outdoor Practice Sessions, total 28 Hours)
Course Fee:$3980 [1]
Entry Requirement:
- 年滿18歲或以上
- 攀爬能力6b或以上 (需通過攀爬及防護考核)
- 考核費為$200 (費用包括當天高牆日票,合格後考核費用可於課程費用中扣除)
Max. Course size: 8
Course Dates
未有相關課程 Courses currently unavailable
Language of Instruction: Cantonese
Submit booking via the below methods:
- Online Enrollment Form
- Direct message on Facebook or Instagram
- Sent Email to
- Call HKCP: 3708 9075
- Application in person to Hong Kong Climbing Park
When you book a reservation, you will receive relevant confirmation emails.

Extended offer[1]
—同時報讀三級運動攀登證書課程及多節攀登訓練班可享優惠價$7800 (原價$8360)。
—以優惠價($7800)報讀三級運動攀登證書課程及多節攀登訓練班可免費獲贈全區域月費 (原價$1198)。
– Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.
– You must wear sportswear and socks.
– Lockers is available.
– Showers is available at Sha Tin Shop.(Please bring your own towel)
– Hong Kong Climbing Park verify the payment after received , customer will receive an Confirmation notification.
– Refund is not applicable if applicant cannot attend the courses after registration.
– To change the time or date of the course, customers should be notify us via email or phone 7 days before the course. For each amendment HK$100 shall be charged as administration fee.
– Personal insurance is not included in any activity organized by HKCP, please purchase one if necessary.
– All questions or disputes shall be resolved by Hong Kong Climbing Park in its absolute discretion.