The course is required to booking and settle the payment at least 2 working days before the start of the course.
Share Pass Fee:
Take advantage of share pass discounts and share the rock climbing experience with friends. The The effective date is calculated from the first day of class, make a booking as soon as possible within the validity period.
Share Pass | Fee | Period of Validity |
4 passes | $1400 (@$350) | 1 month |
8 passes | $2560 (@$320) | 2 months |
12 passes | $3360 (@$280) | 3 months |
Charge included:
– Coaching Session
– Harness &Climbing Shoes Rental
Lesson: 1 Lesson (55mins each lesson)
Entry Requirement: Aged 4-11
Course Session
Mon/Tue/Thur *There will be no class during Public Holidays falls on weekdays. | Sat/ Sun |
2:00-2:55pm 3:00-3:55pm 4:00-4:55pm 5:00-5:55pm | 11:00-11:55am 12:00-12:55pm 1:00-1:55pm 2:00-2:55pm 3:00-3:55pm 4:00-4:55pm 5:00-5:55pm |
Max. Class size: 5
Language of Instruction: Cantonese
Submit booking via the below methods:
- Online Enrollment Form
- Direct message on Facebook or Instagram
- Sent Email to
- Call HKCP: 3708 9075
- Application in person to Hong Kong Climbing Park
When you book a reservation, you will receive relevant confirmation emails.

Online Enrollment Form
– Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.
– You must wear sportswear and socks.
– Lockers is available.
– Showers is available at Sha Tin Shop.(Please bring your own towel)
1. 課堂必須於報名時確定上課日期,報名一經確認,所有日期及時段不得更改,已繳交的報名費亦不可轉讓或退回。
2. 學生如需更改課堂日期或時間,必須於課堂前24小時通知,每次更改本公司將收取每位HK$100手續費,請參加者報名前確保能出席報讀課程日期,否則視為無故缺席。
(i) 任何補堂/調堂安排一經確認後均不能調動,缺席補堂/調堂之學生不會獲額外補堂,如欲更改需每次繳付HK$100手續費作額外更改課堂之用。
(ii) 學生如因學校測驗或考試請假,必須提供學校相關證明方可獲豁免手續費安排補課。
(iv) 若學生無故缺席課堂,本公司不會安排任何補堂及扣除分享票次數。
3. 繳款之後不設事假及退款,所有已繳學費將不可轉讓或退回。
4. 上課時家長不可逗留於課室及不設觀課。如需進場觀課必須登記及繳付每位HK$100陪同費。
5. 未經本公司同意,學員不可於課堂期間錄音、錄影或拍攝。而本會有權使用學員上課及訓練照片及動態影像作宣傳用途。
6. 為免發生意外,所有學員在課堂前或後都不能在場內攀爬。
7. 如學員違反以上注意事項,本公司有權取消其上課資格而不退回學費。
8. 本公司有權更改或取消任何課堂及政策。
9. 如天文台於開課前三小時發出黑色暴雨警告信號、八號或以上颱風警告信號,該課堂將取消,補課事宜將另行通知,缺席補課者將視作自動放棄處理,不設退款。
10. 特殊情況下本公司有權更換導師、上課時間。
11. 如有任何爭議,Hong Kong Climbing Park保留最終決定權利。